A striking new Senecio with the beautiful name “Angel Wings”. Angel Wings has silky, silvery white foliage and is a perfect plant for indoors as well as outdoors. Beautiful to use for mixed containers or as a solitary on patio or balcony. The habit is medium and Angel Wings grows to 10-12” tall and 10” wide. Plant Angel Wings in the sun in an acidic, neutral or alkaline soil. This fast growing Senecio is drought and salt tolerant.
Key Points
Silky silvery white foliage
In- outdoor performance
Drought and salt tolerant
Fast growing
Breeder: Floricultura Novazel S.A.
- B&S Plants LLC
- Creek Hill Nursery, Inc
- D.S. Cole Growers, Inc.
- Denis-Plants bvba
- Emerald Coast Growers
- Esbenshade's Greenhouses Inc.
- Express Seed Company
- First Step Greenhouses, Inc.
- Gardenworld, Inc.
- Green Leaf Plants
- Gulley Greenhouse, Inc.
- Kube Pak
- Mast Young Plants
- Meridian Young Plants
- Pacific Plug & Liners
- Plug Connection
- Raker-Roberta's Young Plants
- Rancho Tissue Technologies
- Rocky Mountain Liners
- Succulents Unlimited BV & LinerPlugs Unlimited LLC
- T&L Nurseries Inc
- Altman Plants
- B&S Plants LLC
- Blooming Nursery
- Cooper Creek Growers
- Corsos Perennials
- Costa Farms LLC. DBA Battlefield Farms
- Esbenshade's Greenhouses Inc.
- Express Seed Company
- Gulley Greenhouse, Inc.
- JRT Nurseries Inc
- Kube Pak
- Monrovia Growers
- Ornamentals Unlimited BV
- Proven Winners North America
- T&L Nurseries Inc