Company profile
Over 250 new plant varieties from 150 different breeders are under royalty management of Concept Plants®. Concept Plants® represents proud breeders and their new plant varieties in the North American Market. We help you to protect your new plant varieties in your name.
Want to look inside? Check out this story that tells more about Concept Plants® (North America) & Plantipp® (Europe).

Representing breeders with new plant varieties in the North American market. Concept Plants® helps the breeder with plant patents, trialling, trial- and license-agreements, introductions, photography, collecting royalties and much more! Our goal for the breeder is to achieve optimum royalty returns in order to encourage the breeder to continue breeding.
Bringing new plants, people and ideas together. Concept Plants® wants to be your first choice for new plant varieties by breeders, for growers and gardeners.
Concept Plants® can help you to protect your plants and increase your revenues. Our goal is to provide you with all the help you need to turn your plant into something more.
Concept Plants® has a large network of growers who share our passion for plants. We can help you with marketing tools and technical advise.
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Get familiar with our 5 Concept Plants key points:
- Introducing new varieties of plants
- Source for North American market
- Our passion is clear & different
- Licensing & royalty management
- By breeders, for growers & gardeners