A fresh breeze is blowing through your garden. It gives you energy! It boosts your mood! That’s Carex EverColor® Everlite! Carex EverColor® Everlite has distinctive cream-colored foliage with dark green edges. It is the most compact variety within the Carex Evercolor® series. Everlite is superb for small pots, plant borders, mixed containers, and edges. Also an excellent item to brighten up shady areas in your garden. Everlite reaches a size of max. 10" high and 8" wide and is very easy to maintain. This Carex is evergreen and winter hardy to USDA zone 4b. Everlite with make your garden look fresh and colourful all year round! Give your garden a fresh color boost with Carex EverColor® Everlite!
Key Points
Winter hardy evergreen
Cream with dark green edges
Low maintenance
Very colorful
Carex oshimensis EverColor® 'Everlite' winner of:- Silver Medal Plantarium 2016

Breeder: Fitzgerald Nurseries ltd.
- B&S Plants LLC
- Creek Hill Nursery, Inc
- D.S. Cole Growers, Inc.
- Emerald Coast Growers
- ForemostCo®, Inc
- Green Leaf Plants
- Hoffman Nursery, Inc
- Janus Gardens
- Meridian Young Plants
- Pacific Plug & Liners
- Poplar Ridge Nursery, LLC
- Poppystarts, Inc.
- Samson Botanicals LLC
- Southern Growers
- T&L Nurseries Inc
- Walla Walla Nursery