Clematis LITTLE LEMONS was selected because of the extraordinary dwarf habit, the long flowering period and the final flowers that give seed fluff that last a couple of weeks. In the Netherlands, the flowers draw specifically bees and bumblebees. Clematis LITTLE LEMONS makes stems of 8-12" long with sometimes an outlier to 20". The leaf is pinnate and green coloured. The yellow flowers are nodding and beautifully bell-shaped. After flowering, the shiny seed fluff appear; the side flowers usually have no seed fluff. Clematis LITTLE LEMONS flowers from mid-May to early September. Prune in March to 4" above the ground. This Clematis belongs to the Tangutica Group.
Key Points
Nice yellow bell-shaped flowers
Fluffy seed heads after flowering
Dwarf habit
Very long flowering period
Excellent pot plant
Clematis Little Lemons winner of:- Gold Medal Plantarium 2019

Breeder: J. van Zoest B.V.